Saturday, June 12, 2010

Body Solid EXM1500S Single Stack Home Gym


Body Solid EXM1500S Home Gym When the leading consumer reporting magazines were searching for the number 1 Best Buy in the home gym category, they found it in the EXM1500S. It has all the features you need for a complete toning, trimming and strength training program at home. In just 20 minutes a day, 3 times a week, you can trim down and firm up in your own home, on your own schedule. Forget the gym membership dues, long lines and that locker room smell. Using the EXM1500S will lead you to a healthier lifestyle, save you time and save you money. This gym is centered on a 160 Lb. weight stack, adjustable in 10 Lb. increments, stacked neatly without plates and bars scattered about. Simply insert a pin and begin. While sitting on the firm, oversized adjustable seat pad you can start by grabbing the multi grip press arm and work on your chest and shoulders, then wrap your legs over the comfortable foam rollers to rip through a set of thigh burning leg extensions. Now, take hold of the Ab Strap and crunch your way to a washboard stomach. Spin around and reach for the Lat Bar and work your shoulders and upper back. Using the Straight Bar on the multi purpose Low Pulley you can perform seated rows, biceps curls, wrist curls, upright rows, shrugs and more. Other exercises include triceps press down, standing leg curl, bent over row, inner and outer thigh, one arm cable curl and standing calf raise. The EXM1500S gives you more for your money than any other home gym on the market. Includes Lifetime Warranty on Everything. Forever. Period.

More Info Click Here

Customer Review

I have purchased Body Solid machines in the past. To me, a product is only as good as the company who backs it as things do tend to go wrong. I moved and left a large unit in the old house. I decided instead of one large unit, I would purchased many smaller stations. I purchased this unit, I started putting it together and one cable was not right. It had just a bare wire at the end. I saw it was not right so I called Body Solid's toll free number. I assumed I would get a run around. However, I described the problem to the technician and he understood right away that the cable was not right. He said they would send another right out via UPS. Again I assumed that it would take weeks. That was 1/14 and it arrived Tuesday 1/19. It might have arrived sooner but Monday was a holiday. I like a company that when you purchase the product you are not alone if something goes wrong. As for the directions, I had no problems putting the unit together. The key is to first take the time (took me about 1 hour) to identify all the screws and pieces by size using the directions. I put each in piles. Also have all the tools you need also in the directions. Then begin assembly. Remember to go slow and check to make sure you followed the steps correctly. Once you assemble most of the frame and when the directions call for the weight stack, you might want to decide where you want the machine exactly as it can be difficult to move once you put the weights on. I hope this review helps.

More Customer Review Click Here

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Jun 12, 2010 21:00:07

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